You have chosen the High Priestess and the Queen of Swords.The High Priestess is about your emotions. It deals with our mood and our emotional outlook. This will go through some rapid changes around the ages of 20, 40 and 60 years of age. The High Priestess is a card of the future. It means your future is to be revealed to you in time. It's a fate and a secret that will be revealed to you at exactly the right time, so not yet. The High Priestess works closely with the moon and so you may be feeling confused for the moon causes us to feel illusions and delusions. If you think about it, everything looks different in the moonlight and it can be highly deceiving what we normally see. It looks strange so this is how you're feeling. You're full of mistakes and muddles and it's just a minefield right now. You need to work through this time, follow your instincts and you won't go wrong. You need to gain some helpful advice. This is through friends or work colleagues. You need to listen carefully to what they have to say for they have some inspiration and good common sense to offer you. This will give you the answer to the questions that you are looking for. You know that you are someone that works best on your own. You're probably single. This is because you work best in isolation. If you were involved in a relationship you've been given the freedom within this relationship to do your own thing when it comes to matters of work. You are so strongly focussed with matters of work, this makes you highly intellectual. You are able to cut away from everything else that's going on and continue your deep focus until your mission is complete. You're someone who is ethical and fair and deeply civilised and refined when it comes to the public. For you everything works well as long as there is an atmosphere of grace and harmony within your personal life. You have a gift of tact and diplomacy. You're kind and courteous particularly when it comes to professional matters. You are really focussed on what you're doing and are doing really well.