You have chosen the High Priestess and the Queen of Pentacles.The High Priestess works in conjunction with the moon which effects your mood and your emotions particularly around the important ages of 20, 40 and 60 years of age. This is where your emotional outlook is going through some rapid changes and the High Priestess is a card of the future where things will be revealed to you, but slowly. You are represented as the Queen of Pentacles. This means that you are someone who is financially successful. You are quite motherly or fatherly to the people around you. This is a time of wealth and abundance for you and this card is telling you that you will be financial secure and financially independent within your own right. You like nice things and you pay a lot of attention to detail. You are someone who is highly materialistic. You have very strong links to expressing your feelings in a very refined and controlled way. You show your affection through helpful acts rather than any emotional displays. You like the need for order and ritual when it comes to relationships and particularly in your immediate environment. Disruption for you can cause you lots of anxiety and total distress. You always remain cool and contained but you are going through the need to give and receive some sort of physical affection. This is because the High Priestess works in close conjunction with the moon and this is about our need for safety and comfort which can be expressed by people in many different ways. For some it is provided by a loving family or close friends. For others it is their work, particularly where it offers direct involvement with other people but this gives you a valid sense of emotional and physical security right now. It's a good time to be of service to other people particularly when it comes to your work. You're very good at helping people, particularly when things go like clockwork but you may feel that you are finding life a little bit tough and that you're picking your way through minefields or mistakes or muddles. For you things are not quite as they seem at the moment and that goes for the people that are around you too. Use your gut feeling to help you for this is time to listen carefully for you are wise and full of integrity and you can combine common sense with integrity. This is a very strong gut feeling. You must tune into your own emotions and answer the questions yourself. If you are about to go on some serious training or further education, this is an excellent time for you will knuckle down and work extremely hard with a focus, completing your goal effortlessly.