You have chosen the High Priestess and the Page of Wands. The Page of Wands is linked to the wand family which is a fire sign. It's time for action and lots of adventures. This is to do with the comings and goings of the outdoors. You've got plenty of travel and movement going on right now. It's your enthusiasm that makes you physically creative with whatever it is you want to do. You're bringing messages that you're going further afield on a journey because you've got very fixed focus. You've got a love of travel and you're boisterous and extrovert. You love delivering news and your some one that should be listened to! What can I say? You're very good at communication. You should be singing, acting, reading, or using the telephone or even using your voice to sell well for you are someone who expresses yourself in such a way that you should earn your living from it. The High Priestess is telling you that your emotions are going through some rapid changes right now. You have a secret yet to be revealed to you regarding matters of your career. It's a very psychic time for you - a card of the future. It shows that you've got a little more to learn before you can get where you want to go. You're inexperienced even though you feel that you've worked hard - you need to learn a little bit more. You're going in the right direction. The more you travel, the more you speak and the more you communicate, the better you'll get on for you are someone that has adventure and you really have the personality for people to sit up and listen to what you've got to say. Whether or not you write it or speak it is irrelevant. You have a wisdom and an understanding that has a child like wonder about life. You're always looking for a new adventure and you're really good at letting other people feel entertained about your life's journey and it's excitement. It's really important that you feel the loyalty and appreciation and the response from those around you who love and care for you for their appreciation is what will spur you on to the next stage.