You have chosen the High Priestess and the 9 of Wands.The 9 of Wands is telling you that you've been trying to defend without success a situation that has become a problem to you. It has now all become too much. You are feeling physically worn out and you are being too stubborn. You are fighting a losing battle and you need to surrender but you are trying to protect what is yours and you are feeling oppressed. Look - you are doing far too much - and if you're not careful you are going to become physically ill. You've been hanging on and hanging on, trying to protect what has already got out of hand. You know you need to surrender and you know you are exhausted and it's taking and draining all your energy. This could be linked up to the High Priestess which is ruled by the moon and some times although the moon can be very beautiful it can cause us to think of illusions and delusions because everything looks so different in the moonlight and it brings out some of our feelings and our instincts which can really charge up some very powerful emotions. Maybe things aren't quite what they seem to you at the moment hence the moon. In the daylight things look very crystal clear to us but we can go to the same environment by night time and look at it in the moonlight and everything looks so different. Now do you understand the feelings and meanings of the High Priestess. It is trying to say to you that you are not seeing things clearly and that you are full of intense feelings and feeling quite emotional or romantic about something that is definitely no good for you. You're getting muddled up and mixed up and you're finding things confusing. Try not to let it be a serious upset to you. You are certainly sometimes in for periods of moodiness where you have a strange sense that you just can't shake off - you try to follow your instincts but they're going slightly topsy turvy. The best way for you is to go with an influence of someone else's opinion. This is usually because the High Priestess is linked to a female. Try to ask a wise female what he or she might make of your circumstances from an objectional point of view - she'll probably tell you what you already know which is to give it up, go off, rest and change tactics and do something else.