You have chosen the High Priestess and the 9 of Pentacles.The High Priestess is a card of the future. It deals with your fate, a secret to be revealed to you later on but you're being asked to look inside yourself to reveal things to yourself. The High Priestess works in conjunction with the moon which effects your mood and your emotions, particularly at the ages of 20, 40 and 60 years of age when your emotional outlook is definitely going through some rapid changes. combined with the 9 of Pentacles this is about your material status and security. Now the 9 of Pentacles is a card of luxury which shows the fulfilment of your personal dreams and wishes. It's about the abundance and wealth around you. Nice things are very important to you. This is about your personal good taste. You are quite a lucrative person. Whatever you touch continues to grow and manifest itself into more. You're financially independent. This is money that you have earned and worked for. You've made this money alone. You've worked in solitude. Now you've put your work before relationships which suits you. You do not suffer fools gladly and people that can't keep us with you have to go. Quite often you indulge yourself and spoil yourself. You are quite a decadent person. You certainly have class but you are slightly reserved in your manner but the High Priestess may be saying to you that you're feeling quite emotional and you wonder why because you have always coped with working alone and the solitude that you use to work has made you independent. However, because the High Priestess works in conjunction with the moon the moon causes us to feel that we need a connection. Up to now your material security has been enough for you but it shows that you're emotional security would like to feel that this has some creatures of comfort too. Perhaps you are looking for someone to get close to before you get the reward you deserve and that human kindness and understanding that allows you to be a person in your own merit but at the same time to feel the support of another human being.