You have chosen the High Priestess and the Knight of Swords.Now the High Priestess is the card that deals with your emotions and your moods. This is because it's influenced by the moon so your emotions may be going through some rapid changes right now. The High Priestess is a very psychic card. It's a card of the future and it's not quite revealing your fate to you yet. Is this because you're not ready? You're someone who is shrewd and impetuous. You're always dashing about, backwards and forwards. You've got lots of knowledge but you need to know more. Your experience in life - your plans are in their infancy and you're not even sure which way to want to go yet. You're like a child with a new toy, you get bored really easy with projects so, you need to shop around a bit more before you're sure where you want to back your strategies and then once you're sure that something's got your attention and you feel you will stick with it, that's then when you'll know exactly what you're doing. The moon's influence over the High Priestess causes us to feel illusions and delusions, for at night things look different in the moonlight - it can be deceiving what we see. This best explains how you're feeling. You're all muddled up and mixed up and you're not quite sure of anything. You put all your energy into something and go dashing off to do it only to find that you're bored. Now is the time to gain some more knowledge. Shop around a bit more, follow your instincts and you won't go far wrong. Along the way you'll pick up some helpful advice for the High Priestess is something that guides us. You'll find there's people around that give you some very valuable common sense advice which is especially helpful towards your future. You need to listen to them and listen to what they're saying about gathering more information. Once you're serious about something, learn more, educate yourself, gain a greater knowledge into this subject. That way then you'll feel satisfied that you are going to see something through from start to finish.