You have chosen the High Priestess and the Knight of Wands. You are going through some important changes particularly to do with your emotional outlook on life. Secrets of your future will be revealed to you in good time for this is a card of the future. It's about looking at who you are and getting in touch with your gut feeling as to what you would like to do next but being happy with the present and satisfied with your past. This is all about actions and going on adventures. It's the comings and goings in life. You are one of life's outdoor people and enjoy movement and travel and you're so enthusiastic about life. You're physically creative and you have talents that could go on to do skilful jobs such as carpentry, building, sports or gardening. You're also extremely good at re-locating, for this is a time of movement and relocation. It's a very big important travel time in your life. You're adventures are always taking you onto new actions and new enterprises and you certainly want to get hands on. You're always doing something but there is a slight gap in your wisdom and you need a little bit more experience before you can think of your big plan. You just need a little bit more experience. This will come with age and are renewing your efforts to keep going into new projects and seizing the initiative and putting your ideas into action. You need to be with like minded people for this extra energy you have needs the drive and the opportunity to succeed. Everything with you should be dramatic and intense. You are someone that is proud and inclined to be very touchy about how others see you for you certainly need to feel that you are groomed to the maximum. You love people taking notice of what you do. You need lots of support from people around you and their loyalty. They need to praise and appreciate you for you are someone who does not do well if they are not in the limelight. You are not someone to be shy about coming forwards. As long as life keeps changing and moving and you're the centre of attention you will always be satisfied with how you are leading your life.