You have chosen the High Priestess and the 5 of SwordsThe High Priestess. works in conjunction with the moon which affects your emotions and your moods. Your emotions will be going through some rapid changes particularly around the ages of 20, 40 and 60. There are some unsavoury people hanging around you, whether they are family, friends, colleagues, associates or just a bunch of neighbours that you feel would be better keeping their opinions to themselves. For these people are noisy and capable of great gossip. You feel uneasy around them for they are argumentative and make you feel uncomfortable. This could be their addiction to gossip where they love talking about people behind their backs. Do not be paranoid that they are talking about you but make sure that your gut feeling is telling you to stay well away. For you know their intentions are not honourable and they are happy to stand looking at people, watch and gossip. You are beyond this and you must make sure that you combine your common sense and integrity and keep your distance. For you know deep down inside that you must follow your gut feelings and that there is something to learn in keeping your distance. It is not a time to make any poor decisions or under estimate yourself or anyone else for arguments can antagonise. You must tune in to who you are and you must really find out exactly what you want from life. It is time now to put the positive together and come up with something where you feel that you're with like minded people who vibrate on the same frequency as you. The High Priestess is making you feel slightly vulnerable and you have indeed high standards of decency and integrity. You're someone who would be seen as wanting the emotional support of both your personal and professional life so this is a very difficult time, where you are feeling violation of the community around you that is not capable of loyalty or commitment. You need to look for the group of friends that are right for you, for you've moved forwards and you need to continue finding out that a select few around you, is better than lots of people who will let you down or cause you animosity.