You have chosen the High Priestess and the 5 of Pentacles.It seems that you're feeling left out in the cold, as if you've got no means of providing anything of financial stability or security for yourself. You've been left feeling along, destitute, embarrassed and abandoned. You've got the feeling 'poor me', but you're about to find out what good friends you have around you. This will also reveal to you who you're true friends are and get rid of the old hangers on. You will get help from those that truly offer you the hand of friendship. Perhaps you've recently been made unemployed or have been struggling financially for some time. The High Priestess is asking you to look at some important influences. This works in conjunction with the moon which effects your mood and your emotions. It has particular and important influences around the ages of 20, 40 and 60 years of age. Now this is where your emotional outlook is going through some rapid changes . The High Priestess is a card of the future. Things will be revealed to you about your finances but at a later stage. The High Priestess doesn't reveal much at all, not at this stage, but it is as if you are taking her advice and that comes from your own intuition. You are being asked to look after yourself to the best of your ability using your emotional intellect to provide what it is you want. We are all creatures of comfort and we all need to be nurtured and looked after. We are all looking for emotional security based on material security. By providing ourselves with warmth, nourishment and emotional support are some basic human needs and requirements. This is what the High Priestess is asking you to look at. Do you have more than the average person? The friendships on offer, kindness that others show to you taking part of interaction of human kindness and emotional support. These are things that you have that are so important. Your finances will improve, there is no question, but sometimes you can feel left out in the cold simply because you are missing the point. You certainly have some excellent friendships and a very good emotional network that provides you with stability and support. The bad times will fade but keep looking at what you have and be thankful and realise that your situation and circumstances will surely change but this is a more spiritual approach to the fact that you have so much.