You have chosen the Hierophant and the 2 of Pentacles.The 2 of Pentacles tell us that you are juggling your finances. In fact you're robbing Peter to pay Paul. This is indeed a struggle. You may need to hold two part time jobs because you know that the common sense approach to sorting things out is the best. You've been walking a tight schedule but there may be an internal transfer offered at the work that you're in. There is also the opportunity with the 2 of Pentacles that you may be offered a new job, which would sort matters out considerably for you, but whether it's two jobs or one you must keep going. You've probably been feeling quite dissatisfied with life and the materialistic approach has not been top of your list but this is because you're probably going through an enlightening experience of who you feel you really are. You're developing into somebody who realizes there is more to life than just the material aspect of things. You have excellent common sense, which is backed up by experience. You're very practical and you realize nothing by hard work and the traditional approach is going to sort matters out for you now. You've got to stick to the matter of fact frame of mind right now and you are seeing things from a very sensible viewpoint. By having your feet firmly on the ground you will make sure that things get done. A way of chilling out seeing as this schedule gives you very little time would be to be out in the fresh air with the outdoors. It's the simple humble things. The more you are involved with the outdoors or being of simple service to yourself and like minded people around you the better, for it's the security and comfort that will offer you the peace of mind of being materially provided for that is important to you. You are someone who is practical and logical and you're a hard worker. Nobody could call you lazy so it's head down, keep going and only your hard work will pay off. This is not forever. It's a short period of time. Once you've sorted out all your financial commitments you've got some more choices available.