You have chosen the Hierophant and the 10 of Swords.The 10 of Swords shows that recently you have felt betrayed. This is to do with a large group of people. There's nothing physical in your loss but there's a feeling of humiliation and being stabbed in the back and made the scapegoat for something. This total loss has completely exhausted your mental thinking and you are feeling exhausted. You're now being asked to turn away from material matters and realize that this was a lesson. You must go for more spiritual and enlightening high-minded affairs. You need to adopt a more spiritual way of life and to mend things with other people where you have had some sort of altercation. You need to stick to something you feel is tried and tested and is backed up by traditional value. Something that you feel is more important than money for you now need to conform and stop feeling hypocritical. You've got to go by your own book of morals and ethics and be your own mentor and teacher. To look inside yourself and find the importance of order and stability. You need to make very gentle acquisitions of permanent values. You need to walk slowly and steadily towards a stable material world. This will take time to formulate your goals and you'll need to find a direction. You must not be influenced or pushed by other people. This is about self-sufficiency for yourself and taking a pride in following a more spiritual aspect, which will give you a long lasting contribution for your family and yourself. You've got to look at preserving something that's worthwhile in life even when there's been chaos like this. You've got to keep going with something that you feel is going to make a positive change. Things for you will be backed by experience rather than fantasy. It's time to realize your old life is no longer productive or of value to you and that you were dissatisfied and now you're going for a more traditional action, which is based upon your own book of morals, ethics, gut feelings and intuition.