You have chosen Hierophant and the 10 of Pentacles. The Hierophant is a card that is dealing with your finances. It is a somewhat earthbound card which shows that you develop a no nonsense approach to money. This card is asking you to look at contracts relating to money. You feel that you must conform to other people. Now you're not being true to yourself. You must go along with what you think is right. Go by your own book of what you truly believe is the moral and ethical approach to take. If you were a teacher passing on advice, what would you say to someone else? Friends sometimes easily railroad you or close family who tell you what to do with the finances you are involved in for the 10 of Pentacles is a card of big money. It is to do with large financial transactions, family money. It may come from real estate, the buying and selling of houses and land or just that you've inherited some family money. We're not talking small change here, so therefore family around you look on with jealousy. You cannot really please the other members of the family and you must realize that their jealousy and animosity towards you is simply to do with the money that goes with circumstances. There are many long-term financial security situations that you must set up and make sure contracts are sorted out. The written word is very important. That way, there will be less quibbles and less jealousy to do with ownership. These property matters must have the legal written information in black and white for inheritance is a very difficult subject to deal with when you have the quibbles of other family members. Take professional advice from someone who knows and make sure that all your documents and contracts regarding this money is in place, otherwise you will find that the rifts just get bigger and bigger. It is time to make sure your financial affairs are all up to date.