You have chosen the Hierophant and the 10 of Cups.Two wonderful cards. The 10 of cups are a card of marriage and living together in a truly strong relationship. It can be to do with a large group of people such as a family. It is one of the most positive cards in this pack. You are truly and blissfully happy with your lot. You have a very cosy, dreamy and successful relationship which leads on to such wonderful happiness. This fulfillment of happiness is within marriage or a relationship. It is fair to say that children, animals and a nice home usually go with the 10 of Cups. It is emotionally satisfactory and immensely fulfilling. The Hierophant has a slightly religious and a spiritual feel to it. It's almost as if you have a soul mate and mentor. Not only is your relationship emotionally fulfilling, there is an intelligence between the two of you that has a spiritual bond, that helps the two of you to grow and fulfill your lives at a much deeper level than most. You truly have the keys of life and you have learnt the boundaries that you wish to live in. You are not hypocritical as most people are within a relationship, you are truly individuals that have come together in a relationship that work as a team and have kept your individuality outright. You go by your own book of morals, ethics and codes in life and treat others in the way that you wish to be treated yourself. You make such wonderful teachers to the rest of us where we can be truly inspired, that true happiness does exist within relationships, where people actually come together to make strength of a team. You are truly an inspiration to all around and a reminder that relationships can be so emotionally and spiritually rewarding.