You have chosen the Hierophant and the 7 of Pentacles.The Hierophant is a card that tells you what you want. You are someone that works with traditional values, codes and ethics. You like to conform to what you feel is right but sometimes you are a little bit hypocritical of other people. You are someone that is able to communicate to few or many. Perhaps you are a teacher but people certainly listen to you for you always have knowledge and advise to pass on. The Hierophant deals with contracts , the 7 of Pentacles is talking about your security. The 7 of Pentacles are asking you to look at the traditional values you have kept and to go for something of a risk. You're being asked to look at how you can make your money work for you. Only invest a tiny amount, nothing more than you can afford to lose. Stay with the rest and save what you have got for this is about financial transactions to do with business, savings or something where you make an investment. You've had to work for your money and it's time now to take a little risk and see if you can make your money grow. Invest somewhere else, don't feel fed up with what you've done and turn your back on everything. Just invest a small amount. This is a card of risking a little bit of your security. The Hierophant is also linked with the star sign Taurus, which deals with finances which shows that you can be quite earthbound sometimes, taking matters of finances and material security very seriously. You're being asked to look at a different approach and to base your judgment on the practicality of the knowledge that you've picked up through life. You have plenty of common sense. There's a matter of fact attitude towards what you do. You're able to research what is best for you.