You have chosen the Hierophant and the Queen of Swords .The Hierophant shows that you are someone that can be quite earthbound. You are able to enter into contracts and conform to what is necessary in order to have a strategy to get to your goal for you have the keys of life. You can sometimes feel that you must go by very strong morals and ethics, which earn you the right to have the respect and dedication that you, want. You're someone who is very good at passing on and communicating with other people. For you are able to enter into a contract that is based on traditional values and experience that you have personally gained. You are someone that works best on your own for you have a very strong focus. You're highly intellectual but you sometimes find that you're unhappy, for you have a sometimes impossibly idealistic nature that longs for a perfect world. You're diplomatic and spontaneous but sometimes your idealism can provoke lots of battles, where you sometimes realize that people are not capable of sustaining the harmony of which you put such a strong emphasis. You have so much high ideals yourself that you sometimes suffer for your principals and deny yourself of basic instincts like emotions. You can be over critical of your ordinary human failings and that of others, which can lead to dissatisfaction with life. As far as work goes you are doing beautifully for you are able to sharply define your mind and make sure that a job gets done. Perhaps the imbalance comes from being dissatisfied with life down to your material desires. You need to adopt a slightly more spiritual way of life particularly if you've had a difficult time with relationships. The Hierophant is asking you to look at more high minded affairs something that you feel that you can stick to the true, tried and tested ways and go about it in your traditional actions and your attitudes, for you know there's more to life than material desire. Emotionally you're looking for something to stimulate you. The Hierophant card is an earthbound card, which suggests you will find this stimulation in matters that you feel strongly opinionated about when it comes to wide-open spaces. You'll find contentment by being out in the open. Wherever fresh air is involved you will find the rewards and contentment that you've been looking for whether this is gardening or experiencing sports, farming or anything that has a down to earth practical common sense approach to nurturing something that you know makes a huge difference. Involving yourself in projects or matters to do with environmental or ecological causes and campaigns should appeal to you but this will give you a new interest in life that means you're doing your b it towards the planet particularly when it comes to growing your own food.