You have chosen the Hierophant and the 9 of Swords.This is a time where you have feared the result of something that's been happening. There's been a lot of mental anguish, depression, and sleepless nights. The fear of the result is leading you to feel you are unable to sort anything out. This is because you fear the results and this is leading to such mental exhaustion that you cannot think clearly. You're putting far too much emphasis upon your duty to other people and you must go by your own book of morals and ethics and take a more traditional approach. It is time to put a contract to yourself and to decide that you look after number one and make sure that you follow a traditional approach that has some value and meaning to your life. In other words you're being asked to adopt a more spiritual aspect of life instead of the material cares. You've now realized no longer viable or productive towards your life. It is important to have material security but you will develop this by following a more spiritual approach. You need to find order and stability in which you can make a practical and useful contribution to your life. You were made to work slowly and steadily to acquire permanent values, which will lead to stable material gain. It may take time but you need to formulate your goals and find a direction. You must not be influenced or pushed by anyone around you. This is about self-sufficiency and going by your own book of traditional value, code, morals and ethics. You need to rely on yourself to teach yourself the traditional values that you know are important.