You have chosen the Hierophant and the Knight of Wands.The Hierophant works with the star sign Taurus that deals with the finances and the materialistic side of life. If you're feeling that there is some sort of conformity within your life you need to go and look at how you want to conduct your life. Perhaps you are someone that has to teach and has to offer traditional values and principles and discipline to others or you work in some way, you feel that you must act in a sensible manner. The Knight of Wands tells you there are a slight gap in your wisdom and that you'll need to move on. For you this is all about moving and relocating possibly there is a move on the horizon for you but this is indeed a very big important travel card. You are someone who craves adventure and you need to be on the move, testing our new action and enterprise. This is a time of doing, not of thinking, you must move on. You need to shine and be recognized and being special. You have such creative outlets, which need the originality and charismatic personal style that you can give it. Also you need an admiring audience to appreciate your efforts. This is not a time to hide your talents or to be shy, for there is a personal destiny that must be pursued and recognition must be achieved, from your own personal excellence. For you life is all about making a personal and creative contribution rather than feeling restricted to a rigid and unimaginative process of intellectual development.