You have chosen the Hierophant and the 4 of Wands.The 4 of wands are talking about your material security here and so is the Hierophant. This is probably linked to a dwelling, a property or a house move. The 4 of wands if often seen as the home card. It's to do with the environment that's around you. This is a very positive card and if you are thinking of moving house or investing in a property this is an excellent time to go ahead with it. It shows it will be extremely promising for you. Your material security and stability are deeply important to you and so is the need to preserve the worthwhile things in life. The Hierophant shows that you do not let go easily and that you sometimes to refuse to abandon a secure place in which you're living for something that is a better alternative unless, it can be more or less guaranteed. You become so attached to habitual routines and objects that you sometimes fight against positive changes simply because they're new. This is because your traditional values matter to you and you has such a conservative outlook towards your life. This is to do with the Hierophant being linked to the star sign Taurus that is quite an earth sign. You have such enormous energy and capability, that you always express in a way that is slow and determined and sometimes you're a little bit too inflexible. You have a massive attribute of common sense, which makes such an impact on others because you always back it up with experience rather than fantasy. You have excellent personal taste, which is so important to you and those around you because your practical expression of your individual taste is always stable and permanent from within. Once you've found something that matches up to your traditional and conservative values you must let go of the old and make way for the new.