You have chosen the Hierophant and the 4 of Pentacles.The 4 of Pentacles are asking you to take care of the money that you have. You must become someone who is aware of their spending. It is time for you to sit down and work out exactly where money is going. You must take the traditional approach of value and work out exactly what finances you can afford. It is a case of conforming and it is a case of sitting down and writing it down and making you a little contract. You must go by the morals and ethics that you know are right. It means a matter of fact, practical approach dealt with common sense and a hard working ambition to sort out these finances. You must hold back on this spending and you must realize it is the little things that you frivolously spend that add up. You can no longer reward or treat yourself with a little something just because you feel you deserve it. It is time to pull back and make sure that you realize the money borrowed, you honor and pay back. It is no point thinking of your money as your own, for at this point in time the money is allocated in many different directions and you know in your heart of hearts it is not yours to spend. You must pay the bills and the debts and sort out with a logical approach exactly what it is you have to do. It will be tough time for a short while, but you are a practical person full of common sense and you know that you can do this for a short time until you're back on track again. You are someone who holds dear values, morals and traditions, so we know that you will stick to the tried and tested route. Once matters in hand are sorted out you're in a position to have more choice. By that you can adopt to look at ways to amuse yourself and to be decadent with money once more.