You have chosen the Hierophant and the 5 of Pentacles.The 5 of Pentacles shows that you've been feeling a little down to do with money matters. Maybe you've been recently unemployed or made redundant. Either way you're feeling left out in the cold as if you are destitute and facing poverty. There is an attitude of poor that you feel and abandoned, but you are looking in the wrong places and you have missed the point entirely. The Hierophant suggests you go back and look at your values, morals and your ethics. You are someone who is quite traditional in your values and you must adapt a common sense approach to this difficult situation. Under your circumstances many will offer you the hand of friendship, but you will also recognize who your true friends really are. You'll get rid of the old hangers on and find out who our true friends really are. Your friends will help more than you thought possible showing what you always knew. Values are important to you and you know that you will come through this. There is no shame upon the set of circumstances you find yourself involved in. This is where you must adopt a matter of fact approach. It's happened, what are you going to do about it. You've been feeling dissatisfied with life for sometime. Your materialistic desires and cares are not so important now as to realizing you are learning more about life and that there is simply more to life than what you earn. It is time to talk and increase your insight into what life is truly about. The more you learn about yourself the more your circumstances will improve, for it is adopting the approach to what really matters and finding out how you found yourself in these circumstances. You're being challenged there is no doubt and finances are very lean, but try to make sure you do not repeat the same mistakes the next time round. You are simply looking in the wrong area for what it is you want from life. Maybe this has happened for a reason. It is time to look at what really makes you happy and to make some choices based on the decision of what is truly important to you. For example, the feeling of being involved with the community spirit where everyone pulls together and looks at you for advice based on and common sense is really important to you.