You have chosen Hermit and the 2 of Swords. It's time for deep thinking for these two cards symbolise matters of the mind. If you're involved in a partnership or a pair there is a big decision that you must make. You are choosing to look at the negative side of the situation and hoping to retreat and do nothing hoping this situation will resolve itself, but you know that it won't. This is just you being indecisive and it will throw you into chaos, for you need order in your world in order to sort things out and make sure that things run smoothly. You're choosing not to see a way out of this one, hiding as if you don't know what to do next so you're choosing to do nothing. That's fine, providing you think things through and then you come to a conclusion and do something practical about it, but you cannot live on the edge choosing to hide and not see what's really there. The matter is quite minor at the moment and if you make a decision based upon the past for your future it will be the right one. The resources are within yourself and in order to sort this out you must go into a place that is capable of giving you the solace and comfort that you need in order to have some time and space on your own so that you can come to a decision. You're being asked to look at the past and to be wise and knowledgeable about the information that you've got for it's an important time. You must look back and remember where you got to and how you got here. Trying to reclaim the past will help you with the future on this particular point and you realise that the wealth of experience and knowledge that you've picked up is to do with the people that you've met through your life and the involvement you've had and how you've been inspired to move on into the direction you've taken. Once you come to a decision you really must be very practical and organised for you really need to be meticulous to the attention of detail. It's also a time to be helpful to other people. Anything that involves helping other people would do you a power of good right now so it's time for some self analysis and to go into a very spiritual point where you can work out exactly which way forwards you want to go - but you can only do this if you escape from other people for a very short time. Uninterrupted thought is where the answer lies.