You have chosen Hermit and the 2 of Cups. The Hermit is a card of the past. It is about being lonely or reclusive. It's a very important card. It means that you are wise and experienced in life. However, there is a feeling of mourning when you look back and remember in this card, as if you're trying to reclaim the past or go back to an older and wiser person from your past that you look upon with admiration and feel has been some sort of great teacher in your life. These cards are saying that there's a deep and loving relationship around you and a true togetherness with your soul mate and that you've achieved this, but it's almost like you're looking back for the approval of somebody whom you really looked up to in life and wished that you could introduce your beloved to this very important person within your life. It's almost as if you feel that with love the approval of your mentor. Remember if this person has left the planet the person that you are wanting so much to feel the approval of will thoroughly understand and you must realise that there is something of the person whom you think was so wise and experienced probably past on the wise and experienced outlook on life to you so of course you have chosen wisely. It would just be nice if people around you could gather so that you could truly show off your beloved and prove how serious you are intention wise to this other person. That is a normal reaction. Just know that this new person whom the relationship you are having is full of experience is someone who must usually be active but they are an orderly and tidy person which is wonderful for you when you always need to utilise your time in the most efficient way. Within your relationship you will find that you still have an intense need for privacy and your soul mate will not push or try to invade your personal boundaries. Possess a curiosity and adaptability, move everything along and re-establish control in a chaotic world. This is a time for careful thought rather than action and you must way up the pros and cons of everything knowing that you have a truly loving relationship beside you and ahead of you where someone is on exactly the same wave length as you. Any decisions needing to be made will come from within you and you must take time to make your mind up.