You have chosen Hermit and the 3 of Cups. The Hermit is a card of the past. That means that you are looking back on times in the past that were happy. Somebody around you, perhaps that is no longer around any more, whether they have left the planet or simply moved on to another place of dwelling, and that you are remembering them and trying to reclaim the past. This person was probably a great mentor to you and was hugely wise and experienced and this is a time for looking back and thinking what would they approve of right now. Perhaps there is a family gathering around you where somebody feels that there is an older member of family being remembered because they would also have been at the celebration, for the 3 of Cups is a card of celebration and joy where everybody gathers together. This is usually with close family and friends where you are celebrating something. Maybe you're toasting the birth or engagement to a family event. Whether it's a wedding, christening or some sort of family celebration or reunion where one feels that a dear and elder member of the family or the group is just being remembered and reminisced for. The message here as well is also saying that sometimes you need to escape from other people for a little while; even though it is full of celebrations, perhaps you just need a little time to yourself or you prefer your own company at the moment. This could be that you're just getting back on your feet after recovering from an illness or a difficult time and in your personal life it is time for some careful thought where you way up the pros and cons of life to help you make an important decision. You are looking for the help and approval of those gone by. Remember everything that you want to do come from within yourself. It also shows that you are practical and capable and that you are truly organised and accurate whenever you try to be so. This is all about being at other people's approval for you but you want to be of service to them especially if it comes to matters of work or family so that you feel that you are helping people. This is indeed a time for being fully organised and methodical within your personal life and your working life, helping you to organise your friends and family so you get the maximum celebration from your close attachments to these wonderful people.