You have chosen the Hermit and the 6 of Wands. The Hermit is a card of work and it deals with the past. You must look back to the past to gain the answers for now. This is an important time. You need the privacy of being on your own to go to a place where you can reclaim the past. You need to look at the wealth of wisdom, experience and knowledge that's been brought about through knowing people and establishing who you are. The 6 of Wands shows a victory is coming and that you're travelling towards continuing success. The good news is coming. It's a feeling of having achieved with multiple success things that you have linked to your work or your career. There is good news if a post of application has been tried for and certainly promotion. Anything to do with interviews success is assured. There's letters of congratulation on the way to you and this is to do with a victory of parading your talents to the world so they can see how well you've done. For this is a time for you to look at how experienced and wise you are now within your working world. You've gained that experience and knowledge through hard work. It's time for you to mull things over and work out what to do next. The answer is within you. It's in your unconscious. You must use your mind to see the way forwards from now on. Anything that's linked to you being of service to other people will go especially well. This is where your talents lie. You're very good at ordering around the working world in which you're part of. Things go like clockwork when you're around but only if you're allowed to have some time out on your own to think and plan what happens next. Your order is threatened by external or internal chaos, and whenever than happens you lose control. The balance must come back by you taking some time out to be in the privacy of your own thoughts and feelings which is what the Hermit suggests you always do. Any work matters always need to be resolved by you taking some time away from other people and having the privacy and freedom to explore within your subconscious by working back to your past how you should handle your future. You cannot work well when others are too close to you for you do not have a mind that can work out any problems where you feel there is too much external chaos. This is why the Hermit suggests you take the solitude to have the privacy of your own thoughts until you're ready to come out of your cave and discover what should happen next. This is a time for thought. Once you've thought about it, it's a time for action but take your time.