You have chosen Hermit and the 7 of Wands. The Hermit is a card that's linked to your work and it's a card of the past. It's an important time. It's a time of looking back, appreciating and remembering how you got from a to b. You need to reclaim the past so you are responsive to the present and planned for the future. You need to do this in the comfort of being alone. You need the privacy for your thoughts and feelings to wash over you in a place that you feel is safe while you work out what happens next for you realise afterwards that you have the wealth of wisdom, experience and knowledge previously from experience where you've linked to a similar situation. This is a time for you to work out the actions and adventures that are coming your way. Indeed anything that's linked to outdoors or travel is excellent for there is movement around you. This enthusiasm helps you to become more and more physically creative. You're someone that works best when you work for service of other people. Your talents lay in the duty and organisation that goes on and the 7 of Wands shows that you're in a place of advantage right now. You're in a position to defend yourself because you're on higher ground. You're staying on top of all situations. This is a privileged position. It's very positive. You need to show that you are able to be seen to keeping your plans to yourself, to be as professional as possible. By being one step ahead you keep all your thoughts and feelings to yourself and not let anyone know what your next plans are. This makes you a key player. You need the intenseness of privacy in order to plan your next move. This is a time for you to work out that you possess the cleverness and the adaptability to work things through. As you establish any control through your logical analysis and your attention to detail. You know that to utilise your time in the most efficient of ways gives you a feeling of satisfaction. As long as you're active and your energies and efforts are appreciated into ordering your world you can show the variety of skills and talents that you have within your working world.