You have chosen Hermit and the 7 of Cups. You're feeling quite confused and emotional. The cup family really does deal with love and emotions and at the moment you feel that you are not able to see things as clearly as you would like. You have quite a scattered focus at the moment where you feel that you cannot see things clearly. You're feeling a little bit negative. You need to clear the clutter. You maybe creating illusions for yourself and seeing things as a little bit sinister. This is because things are not quite right and your imagination is running away with you. Maybe you've got delusions of grandeur and far too much passion over any one thing. You need to get back into focus and the best way to do that is to spend some time on your own for you need to clear your thoughts and mull away and chew at the things that are bugging you. There is an intense need for privacy right now and you need some space and time on your own in order for you to establish where you're going. Your scattered focus is leading you to feel out of control as if you're not firing on all cylinders, making mistakes, bungling your way through. Maybe you're feeling depressed. The Hermit is urging you to take some time to have some space and to mull things over quietly and to look at things in a quiet place away from the crowd for the Hermit is a card of the past and it's all about being in a quiet and restful environment where you can withdraw from the crowd. It's an important time. You need to clear the clutter away and the best way to do that is to be in touch with the past, reclaim it, sort it out and deal with the present so that you can look forward to the future. The Hermit is also a card of remembering someone who was important within your life. By reclaiming our past we are able to feel that we have a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and experience. We may miss the person who had the hugest influence in our life. Maybe we've lost touch, maybe it's too far back to ever be able to go back but you need some time and some space and you need to go within yourself so that you can clear the clutter away and become organised and meticulous once again in your attention to detail. You're not coping because you've got far too much clutter causing you to feel illusions and delusions. It's simply a matter of some personal time out and some privacy where you can go and organise the things you know need sorting for without order you feel out of control.