You have chosen Hermit and the Queen of Wands. The Hermit is a wise old card. It's very important. You are someone that has gained knowledge and experience through wisdom of life. At the moment you may prefer your own company for you are trying to reclaim the past and you're looking back at the people and the influences that have affected your life and got you to where you are today. The Hermit is a card of work and of being of service to others. You are someone who has actions in their life and has enjoyed adventures. It's about the comings and goings of travel, movement and enthusiasm. You're indeed physically creative and you have skills and talents that make you into a sporty human being who enjoys the outgoing adventure of life. You like to be on the move all the time and enjoy being the centre of attention. You good with animals and are trusted by many. You're enterprising with everything that you do and you are very loving, kind and trustworthy. You view life now in a very matter of fact frame of mind. You've always got your feet firmly on the ground. This is because you re very practical and organised. Wherever you can be of service to others it's a worthwhile commitment to you particularly if it involves your job. You have a mind within you to utilise time in the most efficient of ways. You love being active and you have to have order in your world. You have a variety of skills and talents but you will feel threatened in the event of any chaos whether internal or external. You have to attempt to control things in a logical manner for you have a preoccupation with detail. You like your own space and anyone who is thoughtless enough to invade your personal boundaries will feel the full force of their intrusion into you life. You would not take kindly to this action so it is time to look back at the people who are important to you and give thanks for their support. This is the best strategy forward now in anything that deals with matters of your job, or your career. It is the knowledge you have acquired from the past that will help you with the future. If you have a big and important decision to be made take your time, look back, think of the people that were influential in your life and ask what they would have done. Base your judgement upon this intuition and act with integrity and honesty and you will fare in the best possible outcome for decisions based on the past for your future are everything.