You have chosen Hermit and the Queen of Swords. The Hermit is a card which is very important. It's a card of the past and shows that you need some time on your own. You can be seen as a bit of recluse or a loner for you're always looking back to the past and remembering, but you realise that you've retained everything you've learned through experience and the people that have been important to you in your world, particularly someone who is elderly. Through their wisdom and experience you've gained knowledge to make it to where you are right now. The Hermit suggests that this is to do with a matter of work and that you are deeply focused. You're very intellectual and capable of doing extremely well. In fact this suggests you're nearly there but you are someone that likes to work best on your own - and yet there is a loneliness that causes you to sometimes feel a little bit bitter. You are able to cut people out too quickly, too easily but this is because you love the nature of order where you can utilise your time in the most efficient of ways. You have to be active and your energies and efforts are all about ordering your world into perfection. You love being of service to others and helpful because you have a variety of skills and talents. You possess a cleverness which is curious and adaptable but if your world is threatened by chaos you need to cut people out and attempt to re-establish control through your logical analysis and your preoccupation with detail. This is because you have such an intense need for privacy that you resent any thoughtless invasion into your personal boundaries which makes you a little bit sharp tongued when it comes to people who are only trying to help. You have a willingness to help and encourage others through being of service to them; allow it to come back into your world, for both these cards suggest that you are a loner. It is important to learn and gain experience through other people and the variety of muddles and mix ups and adventures and set backs that are caused by experience and knowledge of having your worked your way through them. Do not deny yourself this basic experience that leads to a wisdom and think before you speak so you deliver what you want to say a little bit more gently, for you can hurt other people's feelings by being so sharp tongued even though you pride yourself on being blunt and straight to the point. Learn a little diplomacy.