You have chosen Hermit and the Queen of Cups. The Hermit is a work card but it also about our past. It's about us using time on our own to be lonely and a bit of recluse, according to other people. But it is an important card where you need some time out to plan and contemplate the future basing it on the past and on the wisdom, knowledge and the characters and mentors that have been important to experience our life as to how we're going to put our investment for the future. The Hermit is a card of looking back and remembering. It's about trying to reclaim the past. It's about the wisdom and experience that we have gained. Sometimes we can feel alone and start to feel a little old when we actually look at all those years but as long as you are practical and matter of fact you will be able to view life from a safe and sensible viewpoint. Have your feet firmly on the ground and only go when you feel ready. The more organised and accurate you can be the easier you will find it to make a methodical approach to the future. You need to be of service to other people, particularly when it comes to work matters. It's so important that things go particularly smoothly for chaos does not do you any favours. You have to be organised. It's tapping into your subconscious mind and allowing the thoughts to search for the knowledge that's so important to put things together for your future important decisions. You are someone that cares deeply about what other people think and you indeed really enjoy people. You have a creative eye for detail and you are someone who commands respect from others. You have mastered a lot of skills and you feel that it is your right for others to respect you. Perhaps you are a teacher or someone in the caring profession. You're emotionally expressive and you are able to sit on an emotional island and contemplate your thoughts until the ideas come to you and you realise that you're ready to go into action.