You have chosen the Hermit and the Page of Wands. The Hermit is a card of the past. It's a very important time for you must base something in the future that is based on the past. Trying to reclaim the past is really important. You must base this on wisdom and experience from your mentors and friends. Perhaps this will feel that it is an important decision to be made for it could be to do with work matters or of being of service to other people. It is indeed an important time. You are someone who is a person of action and you need a little time out right now in order to study the things that are important to base your decision upon the future. You're outgoing and you love the outdoors. The more travel and movement the more enthusiastic you become. You're physically very creative. You have skills, something that you're good at whether it is carpentry, cooking, gardening or sports. It doesn't matter. But you have a capability that keeps you enthusiastic. There are messages on the way to you right now. Things to do with travel. Your extrovert nature will be pleased to hear of this for you are quite boisterous. You're someone that needs people to look at you and they need you to be there. You're very good at communicating and the more that people are organised and practical the better for you are someone who is accurate and organised and you're a shining example of how to be of service to other people. This is an important time of news and you must utilise your time in the most effective way for you have a variety of skills and talents and you possess a cleverness and curiosity to be adaptable. The only time you ever feel threatened is by chaos whether it's internal or external. You have to always re-establish control. As long as you have a nice logical analysis you'll be fine. You also have a deep need for privacy and anyone who is thoughtless enough to invade upon your personal boundaries will certainly know everything about it, for there is a gentleness and a sureness that has the quality of graceful charisma that only comes through breeding and acquisition of selected skills that you have chosen to follow.