You have chosen Hermit and the Page of Cups. You are someone that looks back to the past and basis what they are doing by previous experience. Some would describe you as being a little bit of a recluse. This is because you like your own company and do not suffer fools gladly. Maybe you are looking back and remembering some experience or a mentor was able to help you and faced with some difficult experiences; right now you're desperately trying to come to a solution based upon how that person would have coped, for the Page of Cups is saying that you're extremely sensitive and your emotions are all over the place. However this is a happy time for the page of cups is bringing to you very small messages of love and romance. It is time to use your imagination and to go over to your spiritual side and go with your intuition and your gut feeling. This is indeed a time for you to enjoy the infatuation or the day dreams that are stimulating you into new ideas. Do not feel that this is immature of you to have this flamboyant side of your character come to the forefront for in your search of knowledge of what is right you're using your mind to mull things over and weigh up the pros and cons. You must bring in some joy and laughter to your life for you always need to utilise time in the most efficient way. By being active and putting your energies into what you want you are ordering your world into how you would like it to be. You're someone who has a variety of skills and talents but you cannot bear things that threaten the structure of your life when it is in chaos whether it is internal or external. You have to feel that you're re-establishing your control through your logic but there is also a need for you to give and receive physical affection. We all need safety and comfort and it can come out in many different ways. For some it is provided by a loving family. For others it is in their work. You must welcome into your life other aspects such as sensual delight from laughter and the joy of how to let go. Surround yourself in a peacefulness which allows your creativity to come forwards. Music, the arts, theatre, drama - all of these will help you possess a great joy for sensual delight and learning the secret of how to let go.