You have chosen Hermit and the King of Wands. You are someone who is adventurous and creative and you have a very fixed focus. Anything that is physically active interests you. You love the outdoors. You're someone that works extremely hard and you like to be in charge. you're always on a mission, always looking to start something new and you have exactly the right balance for you base your working life and your career on movements of the past; the Hermit is about work, and being able to reclaim the past and look at the ideas and the information that you've picked up through a wealth of knowledge and experience. You have gained wisdom, experience and understanding of people and you are someone who is deeply of service to others. You're organised, efficient and that's the way you like it but you always base everything upon experience and remember the people that are around you that have had an input in your life. You're cleverly capable of looking back for valuable advice from your wealth of knowledge and experience from those that have come and gone. You may now be aware that the years are rolling by and that those people are no longer around. It is time to reflect and contemplate and thank those involved for their input and their influence upon your life. You satisfy your discovery of life through a constant expression of original ideas and wherever you can you find an appropriate channel in which your enthusiasm comes out but you are someone who has to utilise time in the most efficient of ways. You love being active and your energies and efforts are about order within your world but you do have an intense need for privacy and any thoughtless invasion into your personal boundaries would be deeply resented by you. You cope well until things are threatened by chaos, whether internal or external. You have to attempt to re-establish control through logical analysis. Once you've rescued it, you're fine, action can be done again. You're working life is going extremely well for you are someone who has experience, knowledge and wisdom and you are not afraid to take time out to think things through to gain and establish order and control before you go leaping into action.