You have chosen the Hermit and the 4 of Cups . The 4 of Cups tells us that you are emotionally dissatisfied with life and that you are dwelling on something that you feel has been spoilt for you perhaps by someone. You're feeling restless and quite sorry for yourself. There's a missed opportunity around you. Perhaps you've been disillusioned. This apathy is leading you into an emotional rut just because you are bored with routine. Now there is a wish for you to change life to see if the grass is greener on the other side so you must go off and do this, but as I speak to you about this, although there is an offer coming, you have no hopefulness that it will change your emotional state. This is because the Hermit is around you making you feel that you are looking back to the past and that you are feeling alone as if you're a little bit of a recluse. The Hermit is an important card and it feels as if you are mourning and looking back and remembering when things were happier especially with a certain person around you. You're trying desperately hard to reclaim the past, frightened that you will be alone in this world and looking for that one person who you felt was wise and experienced and someone that could be relied upon. That person could be within you. You must be the person who is wise and experienced now. There is no one else to ask and you must go through life hoping that you can always have a goal in which you can work towards. Whenever we have not got a goal or feel that we are not focused life seems like a hard slog because we do not have any achievement plans for the future. There is certainly, certainly an emotional gap within your life and within a month you will have been touched by a new person who is going to change life and introduce you to something that will fill the emotional void and the gap that you have been feeling.