You have chosen the Hermit and the 5 of Cups. The Hermit is a card that is of your past. It's a very important card. You're looking back and remembering and trying to reclaim your past and judge things on your own wisdom and experience. Now this may be to do with someone from your past who was quite a mentor to you at some point and you're disappointed about the partial loss of this relationship. You've now got to look at getting in touch with your past so you can be accepting of the present and the future but you have feelings of being let down because things did not live up to your expectations. This may have led you to feel boredom and apathy. You're feeling quite negative but you're also being urged to look at the fact that there is a bright future and that you're coming to terms with your past and once you have done that you know there is a lot of exciting times ahead of you, for the Cups are the happiest suit of the pack and it deals with our love and our emotions and our attachment to things that have happened and are about to happen. It brings small messages of love, comfort, romance and happy times. You need to be very practical and quite methodical for this card works in close proximity with an earth sign called Virgo. It's a great time for you to work for yourself but for or on behalf of others for this is where your strengths and talents are. You're fantastic when you're of service to others and your communications are really starting to take off. You're starting to feel your old self little by little but perhaps you're a little bit shy and a little bit modest. It's time for you to slowly but surely relax yourself into the present. You may need more time to go into yourself for the Hermit suggests you need time to search for the intellect, knowledge and for you subconscious to weight things up and mull things over. Maybe you've got some important decisions to make and you need to escape from other people. You need some time to yourself. In fact you probably prefer your own company right now and once you've got past that point you'll be able to create a sense of order and harmony through your own knowledge and your own skills which will lead to a very practical contribution to what you want. This is all about you feeling useful and making sure that you have a good practical contribution towards your own life and to the purpose of those that you love and care about.