You have chosen Hermit and the 8 of Cups. You moving on through experience right now and now is the time for you. It's time to move forwards. You've got to leave behind an emotional gap within your life and you have to abandon the things you love and care about. It's time to turn your back on life as we know it. You have to walk away and come back to it later on. You must leave the past behind and you must move forwards into something big, new and an adventure. Within a month new things will happen. You have the power, courage and bravery to let go of something that has an emotional commitment to you. Maybe you're moving away from your folks or from your family but you do have the power, confidence and the courage to do this and you know that you will be satisfied by having a go and finding out what's out there. The Hermit is all about looking back, reclaiming the past and dealing with the wealth of wisdom, experience and knowledge that we have gained as people from other people. It's reclaiming the past and being thankful for the people who have influenced us into who we are right now. It's a very important time but it needs the privacy for you to take some time out in a sanctuary and spend some time in the privacy of your own company with no thoughtless invasion from anyone or anything while you sort matters out. You have to do this on your own and you have to feel that your thoughts are organised, clear and decisive so that you know exactly what your strategy is from this point on for with no clarity you feel out of control and that leads to feelings of fear. You need the sanctuary of your own mind to help you sort out the clutter and cut away from the old so that you clear a new fresh atmosphere for the future for there's lots of wonderful things coming in and happy times but it's realising that you must let go of the past for it's no longer valuable or productive.