You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 2 of Cups. This is a good time for you, particularly with matters to do with love. The 2 of Cups represents your happiness. You are a couple who are in love caring for each other. This is a truly tender and loving relationship. There's a togetherness working here. It feels like you are soul mates and that you are truly in tune with each other. You're lucky to find such a perfect match. You're choosing to see things slightly differently though, because the Hanged Man is telling you that Neptune is making you consider your dreams, your visions, your reflections and questioning perhaps the way you express yourself spiritually. Perhaps you're choosing to rebel against what you normally are or you're going another way or investigating some sort of spiritual path or perhaps your choosing to ease back from the traditional approach to things when it comes to do with matters of spirituality. Perhaps you're feeling as if you're in limbo and not quite sure which way to go. The Hanged Man is asking you to stop, do nothing, suspend yourself and take time out. The relationship is fine, perhaps it's who you are that you would like to work on, just a little bit more and because you're in a relationship with somebody, you're starting to question who you are and will find it hard to deal with anything that is ugly or unpleasant. This is certainly an excellent time for you to be at your most creative and artistic. Use your inspiration and your imagination. You may be opening up more psychically than ever before. This is because of the good effect of the relationship that you have going on around you. Maybe you will investigate mattes of astrology, nature, anything that has a spiritual path where you are starting to realise that you would like to know more about how you have become a complex human being that you see yourself to be, which of course you truly are. But this is because the person in your life has helped you find out the inner you which is waiting to be explored. This is truly an exciting time.