You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 3 of Swords. The 3 of Swords shows that your past has been difficult. It could even haunt you. There's so much that has been confusion and upset. The 3 of Swords says that there has been heartbreak, but this hasn't been for the first time, it's been reoccurring and you have many tears. This loss or heartbreak is coming to a conclusion, even though it feels that it is such a burden you'll never be free of it and the Hanged Man is asking you to look at things totally different from now on, for the 3 of Swords is also linked to creation which means that you're moving on, for the 3 of Swords tells you this is a past position, so it assures you that your situation is coming to a complete end. The Hanged Man is about the imagination and the dreams and visions we all have. It's how we reflect on how things have happened, so in actual fact you're being asked to be a bit of a rebel and to see a different perspective on everybody else's opinion, and in particular a different angle, to that, you would usually take yourself. It's a time of limbo where you're being asked to make no decisions. It feels very strange and you could feel slightly lazy in your approach to things for you know this is a time to do nothing, to stay still and to watch. In your time of watching and thinking you can see things from a different perspective entirely. The link to Neptune is all about the expression of our imagination and the dreams and visions that we create for our own lives. As you realize, you take this different perspective and different angle from life, you know there will be some sort of self sacrifice, to be made, for as you move on to a different chapter you'll be moving to much more satisfying things. However, you will have to leave something behind. Maybe there is a hefty price to pay, and the sacrifice you're making is enormous, but given the time, and in your future you realise you cannot stay where you are, right now, to go back to the past, would not be, beneficial and you know deep down in your heart of hearts how necessary this really is. It's a much more spiritual approach for the experience you're going through is helping you to learn so much about the kind of person you really are. you're really learning the true value of everything. You will be a lot wiser at the end. Take your time.