You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 6 of Cups. This is a nostalgic time for you. You need to stop and do nothing. you're being asked to look back at past influences. Things to do with your childhood and the people that were involved in your memorabilia. Maybe you're feeling a little homesick and your reminiscing about the good old days. Maybe you're lonely for your family or even for your past for the 6 of Cups is telling you to connect to that energy around that time. May-be you're missing part of your childhood, the memories of the past maybe telling you its' time to reconcile your differences with someone from the present. The Hanged Man is asking you to look at things from a different angle right now for it deals with the planet Neptune which deals with our expression, our imagination and our dreams so you're being asked to pay a lot of attention to the things you're expressing within your dreams and look for the images and the symbols that are trying to tell you how you're feeling. you're looking at things from a slightly different angle which may make you feel that you're a bit of a rebel and you may need to look at things from an upside down point of view but you must stay still until you feel there's time to rush out and do what has come to you and you know is the right time to take action. You may need to pay the price for this situation for the Hanged Man usually has a little bit of a self sacrifice where we have to give up something from our material world in order to be a little bit more spiritual, but if you realise that these things are necessary and it's helping you move on from something that's made you unhappy in the past, and the experience you're going through is helping you to really find out the true value of life, so in the end it will be worth it, it just that things feel slightly deformed, upside down, back to front and static, but you'll know that this difficult situation will move on, and that your problems will be behind you.