You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 7 of Wands. The Hanged Man is asking you to do nothing. To sit still for a while and reflect because it is linked to the planet Neptune which is to do with our imagination and our dreams, and a vision we have of how perfect life could be, so it is a time of reflection for you to do nothing. You may find this strange, as if you're feeling that you're being a bit lazy but you're not. You're simply being asked to withdraw for a while and look at how things are, to get a perspective upon what you really want. You will see things differently. Perhaps you will feel a bit of a rebel compared to everybody else. It's just looking at things from a different angle and saying what is it that you want from life, the material success or some sort of spiritual satisfaction? Maybe you'll be able to achieve both, you're in a very privileged place. By taking some time out, you can see that you're in a place of advantage and that you've worked hard, so you're in a position to defend yourself and that means by defending yourself at work. You're able to think about how you can move your work along to be in a more spiritual way. That could mean that you are changing your environment or location. You're in a place that you're on higher ground and at work because you're on top of every situation. You may be able to go for a transfer or maybe you can move and take your work to a quieter place. You have a very positive attitude and this is a very positive time for you. You're doing very well because you're ahead of all the steps of everybody around you and you can defend your plans quite easily. Keep your plans to yourself for a little while. It's about being more spiritually minded and giving yourself a little bit of a break from the material aspects of life. You are always one step ahead of the game and you play all your cards close to your chest. This is why you're a winner. IDon't let everybody know what your plans are until you've worked out your final strategy then you will have room for negotiation so if it's simply a case of relocating or taking some more time I.e. cutting down your hours, then you're in a position to do so. It's working out what's best for you for what's called for here is for you to look at the self sacrifices you've made in your personal life towards your career and your materialistic goals and realising that there is more to life than simply work. You have realised that there should be some fun, harmony and balance in your life. That spiritual side of you is calling you to look at your hobbies, your dreams and your desires and try to look at a strategy of how you can succeed and have it all.