You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 7 of Cups. The 7 of Cups is making you feel confused. The Hanged Man is also a confusing card but this is only emotionally. The 7 of Cups deals with emotional confusion which makes us feel that our emotion is not as it always seems. you've got a scattered focus right now as if you can't see straight. you're feeling a little negative which is leading to feelings of paranoia. There's a need for you to clear out the clutter from your old life. Maybe you're recovering from an illness and this has caused you to feel a little down and seeing yourself as someone whose a little sinister. This is because your imagination is running away with you. Things haven't been right. It's time to work towards sorting things out and finding a system within your own life that helps you deal with this emotional confusion. It's certainly time to stop and do nothing and to realise that you must take a complete different angle and different perspective upon life right now, for you're being asked to look at things from a complete different angle. Being a bit of a rebel right now is important, and this is because your spiritual side is moving in a much more positive direction right now. This involves some sort of sacrifice for you must take on board the fact that you want to move into a happier more balanced state of mind, by looking at a little bit more of a spiritual approach to your life where you nurture your body and look after yourself i.e. the things that you want for your own well being, such as the food you eat, the places you go, the company you keep or the actual way in which you live your life. Maybe it's to do with work, but something has told you things must change and you must look at things differently and from a less materialistic point of view, which is the main concern for you to address. If things feel that there's far too much going on remember you must clear the clutter, start again and file everything into some sort of system, where you deal with one thing at a time.