You have chosen the Hanged Man and the Knight of Wands. The Hanged Man deals with Neptune which is the planet of expression. It's about how our imagination works through dreams, visions, or reflections of how we would like life to be but sometimes dreams can be associated with nightmares and therefore we can find ourselves in limbo, feeling that things are strange. The Hanged Man means that you're just seeing things differently perhaps from normal or differently to everybody else. This is because you're seeing things from a different angle. It means you should stop and do nothing, take time out to work out, your next plan of strategy. This is linked to your work for you have the Knight of Wands and you're really a person of action. you're looking for tangible adventure and you have a great love of the outdoors. The more you move about the more enthusiasm comes from you and you do enjoy a bit of travel. You're physically creative and you should be doing something quite skilful but there is a gap in your knowledge and your wisdom and maybe you've realised this. Because you're permanently on the move you gain experience and creativity, but the Knight of Wands signifies that this is a moving and relocation card and you have a big decision to make based on work and travel. Perhaps this is linked with your creativity. If you're combining your work with your creativity, and it takes you on travels then you are doing exactly what you're meant to. For this adventurous streak within you means that you must have constant new enterprises and because you're somebody that is physically active this will work best for you. But Neptune makes us feel funny for it is all about being psychic and linking up with your creative and artistic talents, feeling inspired by your imagination and acting on a hunch, which may not be as organised as you normally are. You may need to make some sort of self sacrifice in order for your personal development. Perhaps you're being offered a choice and you may realise that this is very necessary, but could be quite painful. The experience you're going through now is helping you to learn about yourself, so that you emerge a bit more spiritual and less materialistic, a wiser and renewed you is coming to the front.