You have chosen the Hanged Man and the Page of Wands. This is a time for your dreams and visions to be reflected upon for the Hanged Man works with the planet Neptune which deals with the expressions and imaginations of every human being. You should be starting to see life a little bit differently now and feeling a little bit like a rebel. Everyone else has their view and maybe you've changed your mind about something or are about to. You maybe feeling that this is a strange time and that there is no action going on around you. But you feel unable to take a safe course without feeling that you're in limbo for the Hanged Man tells you to stop, do nothing and to be suspended in mid air while you think about things. This is because you're not quite sure of the strategies and the tactics you should take. You may have a vision of what you want things to be. There's a message coming your way to do with going on a journey, I would say linked with your work. You have a very fixed focus normally and you've got a deep love of travel. You've got a side of your personality that is boisterous and extrovert and this news of travel means that people will look at you and listen to what you have to say. You're very good at communicating but maybe you need time to think and reflect for you may have to make some sort of self sacrifice. You've got to look at everything and look at the way that you'll feel satisfied best in life, by the decision you decide to make. The experiences you're going through right now are helping you to learn about yourself. You will be wiser and you will be renewed, but it's just going to take a little bit of time and you've really got to look at life from as many different angles as possible. Maybe you're surprised that you're being less materialistic than normal and that you're adopting a slightly more spiritual and emotional approach for this is how Neptune makes us feel. It makes us feel creative, artistic, and in touch with our inspirations and our desires. It's all about feeling that you're intuition is working which comes out in little gut feelings. Things where you just feel you must act on a hunch.