You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 9 of Cups. The Hanged Man deals with the planet Neptune and you're being asked to look at life from a different perspective. You're being asked to look at the expression and imagination of the person you are. Pay close attention to your dreams and your day dreams, for this is the vision of reflection of how you must go on. The Hanged Man is asking you to look at life from an altered angle or a different perspective or a different point of view. you've got to see yourself as someone who's not doing anything right now, until you've realised that this suspension and this stop and do nothing has a reason, which is you've got to take on a more spiritual side to you life and a less materialistic one. There maybe all sorts of self sacrifice involved. For you may need to give things up in order to move on. You've got to be a little bit of a rebel right now and realise that this is a strange time, but you will come out of this feeling that the sacrifices are worth it, for it's an experience of learning who you are. This is a time for you to wish for your own personal happiness. It's a time of looking for contentment and happiness, being healthy and having the welfare and enough security to feel that you're in balance in mind, body and spirit. It's about healthy living and the curiosity to want to know a bit more about nature and to link into a situation that you feel is worth while. Its about your spiritual side growing, whether it's getting involved in conservation projects, healthy eating, looking at moving away to the countryside or taking your work a little less seriously and maybe cutting down on some hours it doesn't' t matter. There will be sacrifices, change is difficult and it's an adjustment period but you're happy with your decision, you've got to work out the right way to go about it. From this you will adopt a much more spiritual approach and a happiness from within that means that you've got time for things that are important like hobbies, friends and holidays.