You have chosen the Hanged Man and the King of Wands. The Hanged Man works with Neptune which deals with the expression and imagination of every human being. It's how we dream and have visions of the future and how we choose to reflect upon life so maybe you're seeing things slightly differently to normal which means you're stopping and doing nothing and trying to work out how you feel this lazy strange time is upon you. It can make us feel that we are deformed or disabled in some way, unable to act on anything that we normally feel quite happy about. The Hanged Man can be seen as a rebel, for you're starting to see things in a different perspective, perhaps to how you normally are. You feel like you're going nowhere and you're not quite sure why you feel so strongly about this but you've been unable to act in your normal frame of mind. That is because you have a decision to make regarding career, work or study for the King of Wands is saying that you normally have a very fixed focus. This can be quite rigid. This adventurous and creative streak that's normally there, will come back, but maybe you need to make some sort of sacrifice or big choice. You may even change your mind yet again. You're someone that works hard and you're physically active. You like to be in charge. You're always on a mission. you're looking to start something new right now and you must have the right balance so you must look at everything and see what sacrifices must be made. If you're thinking of changing job how, much of a self sacrifice will this have to be. What sort of compromise will you need. This is why you need the time to think and reflect. You need to go with your gut feeling and you'll realise that things have an effect upon you. You may have been feeling quite het up and run down. You're finding it difficult to cope with difficult decisions. You normally find this kind of thing stimulating. Put yourself into a creative streak where you take the most of your imagination. Anything to do with your artistic talents such as your appreciation of music, art and the theatre will help you come to a conclusion. For there is no doubt there will be a sacrifice in your personal life but you know this is necessary in order to move on. For the experiences that you are going to gain will make you learn a lot more about your self so that you really do feel that you've emerged feeling more spiritual and wiser than ever before.