You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 5 of Wands. The 5 of Wands shows you that you have a lot of physical battles in your daily life. you've been challenged several times. There's lots of daily setbacks and it feels that it's a mock battle. This is to do with struggles with other people that causes your sense of adrenalin that makes you feel stressed. This is usually linked to matters of work or it could be slightly involved at home as well. The Hanged Man is linked to the planet Neptune which deals with our expressions, our imagination, our dream, visions and time for reflection. you're feeling a bit of a rebel. You're seeing things slightly different from everybody else, not in an aggressive or physical way. you're feeling in limbo and you're feeling like you want to be lazy. It's a strange time. Things around you are no longer giving you the buzz that you used to get. It is a time for you to look within yourself, to take some time out and contemplate where you are going. You've made a lot of personal sacrifices for the cause of what you've had to do and you realise that those sacrifices were necessary and although they were tough, it's made you into a stronger person and you now know that the adaptation of where your life is, will help you have more choices. It is a time to stop and think, reflect and do nothing. You may think that you're powerless to change or improve a situation but are you sure? What's needed now is for you to look at life from an unusual or different angle. You must take on a much more spiritual approach to your life and a materialistic outlook is necessary for you to make some radical changes although this is a time to think about it, you must take your time and develop a deeper understanding about what you want from life. Perhaps you feel that you're out of your depth and the experiences that you've been going through are helping you to learn much more about yourself so that you can make some subtle changes to the way you live your life. Maybe you need a total re-think about your career and where you live and what's necessary is to get more in touch with your spiritual side this is linked to the environment you live in, the place you work in and the people you spend your time with.