You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 5 of Pentacles. The 5 of Pentacles shows that money is very tight probably due to unemployment or being on state benefits or in a situation where you are not financially independent or secure. It shows that you have been looking in the wrong areas as to what the comforts of life bring for you personally. You've been feeling sorry for yourself as if you have no means of providing anything for yourself or for your loved ones. This feeling of poor me makes you feel abandoned but you're realising there are reasons for such hardships and you have found out that you have some excellent friends around you. you've also found out who your true friends really are. You've been getting more and more help for your friends for you've been day dreaming, a way out, of this rut. You need to get a little bit more in touch and get a little bit more action going for day dreaming your way out is not going to get a result here. You need to stand up, dust yourself down and start again and maybe get involved with people who are like minded to you. There are small groups of friends or community that will give you some excellent ideas. Everyone makes mistakes and you're no exception here so it's time to learn from it and stop seeing things through rose coloured glasses. You've got to see things slightly differently to how you have in the past and be a little bit more spiritual and less materialistic about the way you conduct your life. You may feel that you have been somewhat of a martyr or have had to make such huge sacrifices for what you want, but you know how necessary it was to do so. These experiences are helping you to learn. You're probably wondering what you can do about it, but there you go again giving in to this morose self pity. Don't think that you're powerless, you can change, You can improve these difficult situations that are around you. If you're stuck in a rut you have got to do something about it and maybe you've just enjoyed the attention and are feeling how nice it was to be helped by your friends. It's time to dust yourself down and start again, so it's time to view the life you really want and if money is tight you've got to manage it by budgeting accordingly and make sure that you stick well within your means.