You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 5 of Cups. The Hanged Man is asking you to look at yourself differently. It is linked to the planet Neptune which deals with our expression of our imagination or our dreams and it is a true reflection of who we are. Sometimes we will start to see things slightly from a different perspective, which makes you think that you're seeing things upside down from everybody else of there's a feeling of being in limbo and doing nothing, as if we're feeling quite lazy and strange but that is because we're asked to stop and do nothing and asked to take time out to look at our spiritual path. The 5 of Cups is telling you that you've had some emotional disappointments quite recently. At least 3. you've been experiencing some sort of partial loss and you are mourning the loss of a relationship. you've now got to look at what is around the corner of emotional happiness and what is coming your way. You are still feeling that you've been let down and that things haven't lived up to your expectations. This upset has led to boredom and making you feel quite negative. you're being asked to look at your dreams by looking at the Hanged Man card and to go on a spiritual path that you have the feeling of connecting to something. You will find anything that is calming beneficial. Neptune has the most creative pursuits at heart and it is an excellent time for you to pursue this. Anything that links you to theatre, music, cinema, film, art or something creative will give you peace. The linking together of a group such as in a temple or church where you feel some sense of belonging and connection to something greater than we are will give you a great source of comfort, so this is asking you to explore within yourself what your beliefs are. It is a time to go with your imagination, your hunches, and your dreams where you actually start to explore who and what you really want to be. Perhaps up to now you've not had the time or the inclination to find out why you do the things you do. By linking up to the hanged man and the planet Neptune you will feel a greater sense of calm and a sense of direction, where you feel you've taken the lead because you feel part of something.