You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 8 of Wands. The 8 of Wands tells you that things are happening quickly and that good news is traveling fast towards you. This is to do with matters of work and possibly a romantic liaison with someone you are fond of. This is usually a time offer of within 8 weeks. This is a very positive, happening time for you. It means that things are definitely on their way to you. The work you have done in the past is paying off. However the Hanged Man is asking you to now take some time out. It's a time of reflection, for you to get yourself sorted out with your dreams and your desires. This requires you to just take things slowly and to do nothing for a little while. You're being asked to look at how things are. Perhaps you're being asked to look at things in a rebellious sense so that you look at things from a different angle or perspective from everybody else, for the Hanged Man is linked to the planet Neptune which is all about our dreams, imagination, the visions and reflection of life and how we express our self. Because you are doing very well with your work or your career, you've achieved plenty and you're still continuing to do so. You're being asked to be assertive, optimistic and enthusiastic in your thoughts because you've made so many sacrifices in your personal life lately. You know how necessary these sacrifices were, for the experiences you're going through right now are helping you to learn about yourself, so that you're more in a position to chose a spiritual aspect of life rather than a material aspect. You've got to look at things in a less materialistic manner than normal. This may make you feel rather strange as if you're feeling that you're being a little bit lazy, but this is not true, life is not all about working hard, it is about enjoying the simple, humble things such as the environment that you live in, the places you go to, the hobbies you have and the company you keep. It is important that you look at all these aspects of your life and re-evaluate. Are you happy with what you've got or are there slight changes that you could make or maybe dramatic ones. The choices are yours, you're in a privileged position to be able to think that you could have some of the material gains of life and some of your spiritual aspects too. It's a way for you to sit down and work out a strategy to combined the two.