You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 8 of Swords. The 8 of Swords deals with the restrictions that are going on but these are only mental restrictions. you're feeling all tied up in your way of thinking, a victim of your own circumstances. You know you should have sorted out matters much sooner than this. It relates to you not handling a situation that presented itself to you very early on. You chose not to see things clearly then and you're still doing the same thing. Things are getting worse. You really do need to look at the attention of the thoughts and the way in which you're choosing to push them away. You really need to take some sort of decision. The Hanged Man is here to help you. He is asking you to do nothing right now until you've come to a decision. But that does not mean that you must sweep it under the carpet. The Hanged Man is here to tell you there will be some sort of self sacrifice necessary, because within your situation you must come up with some answers. In order to move forwards you must negotiate the obstacles, and leave something behind. The Hanged Man deals with our expression and our imagination. So you're to look at the expression of every component that fits together and how this leads to a certain aspect. For the material structure of what you want to happen cannot happen by you simply going from pillar to post with no specific plan of direction. You really need to use the reflection of your dreams and your visions and work out exactly what you want for yourself for if you don't you cannot deal with this obstacle. By wanting to get from A to B you must look at the route that you wish to take. This is what you're being asked to do. you're simply looking at the point that you want to arrive at and not planning your route at all. This is why you feel so lost. The Hanged Man is suggesting that you look at life differently and see it from a different angle. A different perspective. Completely different to how you've ever done it before. You might feel like a bit of a rebel, for feeling like this but it is necessary, for the Hanged Man is asking you to look at things totally differently. It can make us feel quite strange, as if, things are different and disabled. You'll now start to realise that it's less frightening to deal with the problems rather than try and change them. In fact, you just put it off and that's what's making you feel so frightened for it's constantly there. You'll realise that once you've made a decision, slowly, but surely you must act on it and the sacrifice you make is necessary for your personal growth and development. There's no avoiding it!