You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 8 of Cups. The Hanged Man is a card that makes us look at things from a different perspective . We need to look at things from an unusual angle or point of view. This is because it works in conjunction with the planet Neptune which deals with expression, imagination and dreams. It's about the visions and reflections that we have within our own life. You're being asked to keep still to seek things from an upside down point of view. This means you might be a little bit of a rebel and your perspective is totally different. This may make you feel that this is a strange time, For you're feeling that you're going nowhere and that you're in limbo. It has a lazy feel to it. It makes us feel that we're out of sorts but it's a time, for you to hang in mid air. Do nothing and to see things from a completely different point of view. Usually there is some link to a sacrifice that you will have to make. This self sacrifice is usually to do with some sort of material confusion. The 8 of cups shows you moving on through experience and now is the time for you. This is a time for you to move on. Perhaps you're going to make a sacrifice and leave behind a huge emotional gap for the 8 of cups is about emotion and is about walking away and abandoning your life as you knew it. It's time to move on to the next chapter of life. You must leave the old life behind and move on. Within a month new things will happen. You must represent who you are with the fulfilment of time and the power to show how brave you were to let go of the things that you really felt were important, such as family and friends, but you know that in order to move on you have to walk away from the life as you knew it and start again and rebuild. Everything moves on. Perhaps it's time to leave the nest.